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Travelling by plane (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It's difficult to imagine modern life without travelling, because it can broaden the mind and make you knowledgeable. It’s a well known fact that those who wish to travel have at their disposal various means of travelling and now I would like to say a word or two for planes.


Besides, it's possible to get a cheap ticket if you buy it far in advance, but if you need to fly at the last minute, you must be ready to pay a substantial sum of money for the flight.


From the other hand, airplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and from time to time even hardened travelers are intimidated by them. You see, though according to the statistics plane crashes happen very seldom, but the level of destruction and the death toll is too high.

I can’t help mentioning the fact that sometimes during a flight people can fell a sharp ear pain, caused by rapid changes in the cabin's air pressure and in that case, they must take some pills in order not to suffer.

While travelling many passengers complain of the sound of working engines preventing them from sleeping.

esides, sometimes it happens that the plain hits an air pockets what makes you feel more dead than alive.

Moreover, you have to arrive at the airport several hours before the flight. And how unpleasant it is to learn that your flight is canceled because of the bad weather conditions! I consider it to be the most unpleasant disadvantage of flying by plane

Without doubt, we must agree that the future belongs to air transport, travelling by plane is the most popular means of travelling and it is chosen by millions of people from all over the world.


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