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What can not help people to live long (Школьные сочинения)

I was surprised to learn that nowadays people are more health-conscious than they used to be. It's wise of them to understand that keeping their bodies in perfect health is their duty. The fact is, if our body suffers from any disorder, our mind also suffers with it, that's why it's next to impossible to make much progress in studies and labour

There is a great number of things which can shorten our life dramatically. Moreover, it turns out that genetics isn't the only one governing our longevity: non-genetic factors also affect our health.

But unfortunately many people, especially teenagers, are too lazy as to follow certain laws of health

For example, nowadays people lack physical activity, some of them start leading a sedentary lifestyle and of course it will lead to no good, so if you want to have a healthy heart and strong bones, it's a must for you to do a certain amount of exercise every day

It's also advisable to avoid bad habits, such as smoking and drinking, which are believed to be the worst habits that can shorten your life badly.

A great number of young men become dependent, but it must be mentioned that, in recent years smoking has received a bad reputation, besides people must have understood that these bad habits are a form of slow suicide, that's why even heavy smokers try to quit.

It goes without saying food is a thing which people can't do without. However, eating habits must have undergone a change in recent years. Nowadays we live in the era of fast food culture and a lot of people just can't imagine their lives without pizzas, hamburgers and coca cola, but unfortunately some people are pressed for time so much that they often forget that what is tasty isn't always healthy. You see, people are weak by nature, so they can't resist the temptation and eat junk food, skip meals, overeat or start leading a sedentary lifestyle, that's why people become obese. Unfortunately, being obese can double the risk of diabetes, heart diseases and even some kinds of cancer

Smoking and drinking are joined by less dangerous habits. Without doubt, sleeping too much or too little, snacking or skipping meals are not so deadly, but they are indicative of a dangerous lifestyle as well.


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