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The 21st century (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in a very interesting time. The 21st century is admittedly a century of changes.

I am very optimistic of this century. Similarly, my friends are. Considering the fact that we have the best medicine in human history, we can believe that we will live very long. Moreover, scientists are successfully investigating our genome. They have already found the ways to heal some congenital diseases using CRISPR-Cas technologies. Maybe in the near future we will use medicines with genetically modified organisms in the same way as we use pills or injections now.

Some people are trying to find new medicine whereas others are developing smart and small devices. Now we cannot imagine our life without smartphones and computers.

Regardless of the fact that fifteen years ago we could use mobile phones only to call and send messages, nowadays our phones are everything for us.

We use them to surf the Internet, to make timetables, to control what we have eaten and to pay not using cards. I am not sure than we have something equally useful in our everyday life. Maybe in the future we will not use a paper ID, we will just use our devises to confirm our identity.

Nonetheless, some people are afraid of new technologies. I think they just do not understand how these technologies work. They look like some kind of magic for them. Unfortunately, conservative people do not have a choice, it is either they use modern technologies or they have problems with communication and in future with heath.

For me the future seems to be great. I am waiting for new technologies that help us in everyday routine and prolong and make it more heathy life.


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