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Do modern students rely too much on technology? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, scientific technologies play a big role in our daily lifestyle. We all use gadgets in absolutely different ways, for example, for work, for study, for entertainment and for much more... That is why it seems to me that people are too dependent on technology and can no longer exist without it. This is especially true for children born in the 21st century.

Because they did not know life without high technology and interactive gadgets at all. Unfortunately, it turns out that they are accustomed to this from very early childhood. So what happens if we restrict or completely remove students' access to technology? Will they be able to live normally?

In my personal opinion, students rely too much on their technical gadgets in any situation to quickly solve their various problems, tasks and difficulties.

Thus, excessive using of technology destroy ability to think for yourself and perceive information correctly and properly. Moreover, it makes our modern children absolutely helpless and powerless.

However, on the other hand, reliance on high technology allows us to save our time. And in the modern world and with an extremely fast pace of life, time is really a very valuable and important resource. In addition, gadgets help to have convenient communication with other people, which makes life easier. That is why students use them always and everywhere.

I disagree with the above idea, because this excessive dependence forms a lack of independence. Having got into an emergency situation when there are no gadgets nearby, children will not be able to take measures, find solutions and escape. And of course, live communication with other people and close human contact in any case cannot be completely replaced by a telephone or computer screen.

Taking all of the above into account, we realized that there are two points of view on the interaction of young people with technology.

But I ultimately believe that a student can rely on gadgets, but he should be able to live without them.


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