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the most important things about celebrating New Year for Zetland’s people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays New Year has become one of the most popular holidays all over the world. I have been doing a project on “the most important things about celebrating New Year for Zetland’s people”. Therefore, I have found some information on this topic.

Starting with the most important features, the data shows that the majority of respondents, forty-three per cent, prefer to celebrate New Year with their family. Moreover, holiday TV programmes are important for only 6% of people who celebrate New Year in Zetland.

As it is clear from the data, the percentage of voters who consider special food as an important holiday atribut is almost the same as the number of those who think so about New Year TV programs.

Moreover, the number of people surveyed who thought that presents are important while celebrating is almost one and a half times more than the proportion of people in Zentand who are considering the holiday atmosphere.

Apparently, a problem with celebrating New Year can arise. Unfortunately, when the whole family gets together there may be a conflict due to different views. To solve this problem, every person has to be polite and tolerant with their relatives. It is also important not to talk about controversial topics like politics or religion while family gatherings.

It is my strong belief that celebrating holidays with family is interesting. It is important for every person to remember roots and keep in touch.


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