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Advantages and disadvantages of setting up a business (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

While being more involved in the business sphere and interested in increasing one’s income, nowadays it is decided by some people to start up a company. From my point of view, the cons of launching an enterprise outweigh the pros of doing it.

As a matter of fact, there are undeniable benefits associated with setting up your own business. Firstly, it is a great opportunity for a person to fulfil his or her ambitions and potential. Enjoying what you are doing, the desire to succeed and determination can lead to personal growth and development. Secondly, one of the most significant advantages of starting up a company is a space for agility and flexibility. What I mean is the fact that the owner is eager to create whatever he wants, using various management techniques and always trying something new and innovative.

Besides, it is up to him to choose the most preferable working hours, days and conditions, which gives the sense of freedom and independence.

However, the drawbacks should not be underestimated.

To begin with, running your business is, undoubtedly, time-consuming. It needs a lot of time to find well-educated and reliable staff, conduct business issues and create partnerships. Moreover, I cannot but admit the financial risk that a person, who has decided to set up a company, might face. Actually, it may be hard to determine what sphere to invest money in. The product or the service has to be relevant and necessary for the potential consumers to satisfy their needs and become a market leader. For instance, taking into account the red ocean strategy, which includes competing in industries which currently exist and flourish, an entrepreneur should understand that start-up can turn into a failure because of the intense rivalry. When creating a successful business, one has to analyse the market thoroughly and get to know as many potholes as possible, which also requires a lot of expenditures on professionals.

To conclude, it seems obvious that although running your own business can help a person gain freedom and personal satisfaction, it might be very risky and sometimes frustrating.


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