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American tourist in Moscow (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The world is full pf unsolved mysteries and wonderfull places to visit. I have already been to Paris,

ome, India and Africa? so this time I decided to visit Moscow in Russia.

I spent a week of my summer holidays in August on the South-West of this city and it definitely worths visiting it. Especially during the summer time. As you may know there are a lot of tourists attractions such as Moscow State University, Vorobievi Gori, Troporevsky Park, Four Palms Statue and a lot of others.

reathtaking views on the Prospect Vernadskogo from the tops of the roofs, beautiful ducks and fluffy rats under the Krisiyniy Most or so called Bat's Bridge, high trees green all over the year, deep endless lakes - I can say I fell in love with each and everything I have seen there during my summer holiday week.

Most of the places and attractions are something that you and everyone of us can find in the internet, but you have to try at least once in a life seeing this part of the state city of Russia with someone who knows those places as their hometown - it may just surprise you how many things we miss as simple average tourists from abroad. So many beautiful and unreal places stay unseen because of the professional guides and tourists agents!

As an American who saw Russia (they say that Moscow is not Russia wich I do not really understand) with the eyes of the native Russain I would recommend you visiting some interesting places that you will never ever find on the map.

But as for me beauty of the old and ruined parts of the Troparevsky Park during the winter seems more attractive than during the summer that I have seen it. It is something unreal, that you definitely have to see, to visit, and to feel by yourself.

In my next trip to Russia I am looking forward to see my russian friends again and to ask them to take me to other hidden Moscow places. As they say, there is always still something to see. Even native citizen find something new every day there. This city is unbelievably amazing! Especialle the South-West part of it.


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