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Changes brought to the city (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world we have a chance to say our own opinion on different topics, to choose what we want to change in our hometowns. In my opinion, I would like to change the work of underground so that there would be less stress in the rush hours. I am going to provide several suggestions in the following essay.

First of all, I think that it will be better to have more little stations to pass so that a train will be less overcrowded because people will be able to get out on such stations.

y this, we will also help the ones who leave far away from the centre to get to a work. I am sure that a lot of my classmates will be happy to get to school in the morning earlier by using subway this way. For example, the ones who get late now, will certainly get less stress from travelling to school and will thank me for this.

Secondly, I think that it will be better to make larger trains so they can get more people inside which will make rush hour less stressful.

For example, if an ordinary train is capable of keeping inside about fifty people, it will be good to create a construction for the train that may allow a up to two hundred people to ride on it. I am sure that this will make rush hours easier to spend because more people will have the chance to stand freely and keep social distance.

Thirdly, I think that the most important think about subways that I would like to change is space outside the trains. Probably, creating long corridors between not only the exits but the closest stations will help the crowd to fill in the underground less. This will also help busy people to walk more and thus do exercise, which is good for their health. However, it may be quite inconvenient for the elder citizens like my grandmother, because she is not very good at walking and becomes tired easily. Probably, it will be good to make a resting place somewhere also.

In conclusion I would like to say that It is very good that I can improve the life of my home city somehow.


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