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Задания 39 и 40. Learning languages makes people more open-minded (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Задание 39



15. 10. 2021



Thanks for your letter! I was glad to hear from you again.

As for your questions, I think that I’m quite good at language learning and especially English. I find grammar the most difficult aspect of English as there are a lot of nuances and exceptions to the rules. I usually try to watch more videos in English and read a lot to overcome problems and improve my knowledge.

By the way, for how long have you collected toy cars? How many cars are there in your collection? What do you like most about your hobby?

Anyway, I have to go now to help my granny.

Write me back soon!

Best wishes,


Задание 40

Nowadays some people believe that we become more open-minded if we study foreign languages while others think differently. I am going to look upon this issue in more detail.

From my point of view, learning languages is one of the best ways to broaden one’s horizons. To begin with, studying a new language helps to accelerate cognitive process and improve mental abilities by frequent practice and learning new vocabulary and grammar rules. What is more, studying a language usually includes studying a culture of a country or a nation. Consequently, a person becomes more experienced and gets more knowledge in different spheres.

However, some people claim that learning languages is only about speaking skills and does not provide personal development. These abilities are very specialized and do not help to get a lot of new information.

Nevertheless, I cannot share the opposing opinion. Knowing many languages allows us to communicate with foreigners, read different books without translation, watch videos and films, and travel abroad. All these activities inevitably broaden our horizons and give invaluable experience.

Taking everything into consideration, learning foreign languages definitely makes people more open-minded. Lingual learning improves mental abilities and provide opportunities to gain plenty of knowledge about different cultures and people.


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