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Just as teachers assess their students, so students should assess their teachers, do not they? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We should acknowledge from the start that nowadays, mostly everywhere it is considered to be incorrect and even rude to point out teachers’ mistakes for a student. Some people claim that pupils should be allowed to assess their educators, whereas others hold the view that it is unacceptable. I would like to examine this issue in detail.

In my opinion, noticing a teacher’s mistakes is a crucial skill for a pupil. Firstly, students might be assessed unfairly. It can be based on a professor's personal attitude towards a teenager. Moreover, pupils might be assessed incorrectly. Teachers make mistakes due to inattentiveness and spotting them could help them concentrate.

On the other hand, there exists another opinion. Some people think that under no circumstances should students be able to assess their teachers. They believe, that it is the teacher's job to assess.

A pupil does not have the professional skills to comment upon their professors.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. I reckon, that students will use the same criteria as teachers, so it will only improve the teachers’ skills. Throughout the process of assessment, students will help the teachers evaluate more accurately.

Considering both viewpoints, I still believe that if the students were able to assess their pedagogues, the educational system would become better.


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