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self-planned tour or package tour (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Travelling is a pleasurable experience a person can have in life. Nowadays, more and more people take breaks from their work and go on a tour. Some people prefer to have a self-planned tour. However, others rely on specialists and take a package tour.

I believe that taking a package tour is more useful. Firstly, it saves your time, which is especially important for busy people as there is no need for you to waste your time on planning, phoning, analyzing and comparing. Secondly, you don`t miss anything as the places that need visiting are already included. What is more, you are usually led by a guide, who is ready to help you in any situations. And I think that having a helping hand near you is rather soothing.

However, there are people who consider travelling to be more beneficial only if you arrange the tour yourself.

They think that travelling on your own with self-planned route gives you a feeling of freedom and independence. It increases the level of adrenaline in your body making you happier. Personally, I think it is really an awesome felling. Sometimes I feel an urge to do something risky like that.

But I think that only independent, self-assured and experienced people are capable of it. And unfortunately I cannot describe myself as the one of this kind.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above about this problem I would like to say that I respect other people`s opinion but I insist on my own one that package tour is more better than self-planned tour.


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