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Talk about a school subject you liked when you were younger (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Speaking about what subject was my favourite lesson at school, I immediately remind myself of history. Now I am going to introduce you some reasons why.

To begin with, our class was taught using ordinary program: we started from a primitive man and ended up discussing signing of

elovezhski agreements. Frankly speaking, not all the material was enjoyed by me but still few topics really fascinated me shaping subtle love to the lesson making me passionately await for new study sessions. Among them you could find Crusades to Jerusalem during the the era of the reign of Salah ad-din, the whole 19-th century with main emphasis on Napoleonic wars, Crimea Campany and reign of Alexander II Liberator and, finally, Lenin's path to power.

Now looking back and trying to understand why I fell in love with history, the first reason I can name is that our teacher was tremendously creative and bright personality, he had natural gift to speak in public and did his best to make us believe as if we live the age of the prominent people we were learning about.

Secondly, the opportunity to become familiar with the complexity of historical events, recognize why and how politicians, governors acted was a blessing for me since I always like to get to the bottom of things. Finally, I simply enjoy entertaining such thoughts when you guess what could happend if something went wrongs or particular person made opposite decision.

Of course, not everyone in class was keen on studying history as I did, some of them even considered that subject dull and absolutely boring. They questioned why they must learn stupid facts of the past if they live in the present and get work without such a knowledge. It could be understood but who we are without history? As for me, I encounter it almost everyday to motivate myself for greater achievements, help figure out up-to-date processess. That is all I wanted to say.


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