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Big Data (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of Big Data is really topical nowadays. Some people are sure that it is a technology of the future and it is very useful for companies. Others insist that we do not need it. Let us consider pluses and minuses of both position.

In my opinion this technology is needed for people, especially for commercial companies. At first it helps to work with big amounts of information and make predictions of something. Secondly it may be useful for an ordinary person. For example, when you are looking for anything in an Internet shop, algorithms analyse this information and offer you things that you could like. At last that is not too expensive to collect the information and keep it and it makes work with big data cheaper for companies.

However there are people who disagree with this position.

They are afraid of their confidentiality, because these programs work with all types of data. Also these technologies replace people like analysts, who work with information. And finally most of people do not really know, what information is keeping and these algorithms are working, and have no access to discover this.

In spite of the facts that machines replace people, but at the same time it includes new types of professions, what are involved in this. Much people do not have access to discover these algorithms, nevertheless this field of activity is very difficult for an unknowing person.

To sum up Big Data is a new technology which makes work with big amounts of information easier. Despite existing disadvantages this is the future and people should develop this further.


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