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Imagine that you are doing a project on common grammar mistakes among language learners. You have collected some data on the subject (see the graph below) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays English has become one of the most used languages. I have been doing a project about common grammar mistakes among language learners. Therefore, I have found some information on what percent of students making mistakes. Now I am going to analyze the diagram I found.

Starting with the most important features, as the data shows, the majority of respondents make a mistake of the incorrect use of tenses. What is more, only eight percent use wrong formation of plural forms of nouns.

As it is clear from the data, the percent of voters who are skipping articles is the same as the percentage who use incorrect formation of irregular verb forms.

However, percent of people who using incorrect use of tenses is about twice as big as the percentage of voters who are using incorrect word order in sentences.

Apparently, there can arise a problem with learning foreign languages. The first problem is that people do not have a plan. They can start to learn it in the spread. The second problem is the biggest — a language barrier. That means that people are afraid to talk. To solve this situation, they need to find language classes or tutors. It will give a persone — person an exact plan and will help to overcome the language barrier.

It is my strong belief that learning foreign languages is important and interesting. To do it efficiently people must do it regularly and practice in every sphere.


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