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An early choice of a career is the key to success (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is considered by some people that you need to make a career choice early to be successful, while others have different point of view. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, an early choice of career path is indeed the key to success. Firstly, the younger you are the more energy and health you have. As a matter of fact, trying to be successful requires a lot of psychophysical efforts. If you make a career choice early, you will have more chances to achieve success in your job. Moreover, choosing a career path early allows to focus the education directly on the career specialty. For example, if you decided to become a doctor, you could choose to study subjects you need such as biology, chemistry and so on. So early career choice helps one to utilize the school time more efficiently.

However, some people believe that early choice of a path is not the key to success, because you can achieve it at any time, whether you pick a job later or earlier.

There are outstanding personalities who came to the top choosing their career even after being retired.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement. As a rule, people who make an early career choice are more likely to become successful. The cases when people choose their career very late and achieve success are exceptions of the rule. It is better to become proficient in your career as early as it is possible

To sum up, I would like to emphasize that making a career choice early gives a lot of opportunities. So, the earlier you take the first step on your career path, the more prospects of success you have.


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