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Early career choice is the key to success (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are a lot of opinions about the way of choosing a career. Some people think that it is necessary to make this decision in childhood. The others have another opinion. The subject is really controversial.

In my opinions success depends on person’s efforts and desires. It is not connected with time person chooses a career. First of all, people changes, so your opinion now may be different from your opinion as a child. Secondly, there are a huge number of examples when a person made a career choice as an adult and became successful. Thirdly, an early choice may be made by mistake. I consider that this important decision requires time to think.

However, some people are sure, an early choice of a career path is the only way to get success.

They believe that if you begin to prepare for your future job at an early age, then you will have more chances succeed. They also consider that young people are able to make such an important decision according to their preferences.

As for me, I do not agree with this opposing opinion. I am sure, to become a successful person you should work hard, be hardworking person and really interested in your profession so it does not matter when you made a career choice. If a person's eyes are burning with dream, he or she uses every opportunity for development.

In conclusion, i want to say, without any doubt, an early choice of a career path is not the most important part of becoming successful.


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