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40. Fast food is not harmful to our health (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

10 из 14
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Some people claim that eating a fast food does not harm our health. At the same time, others disagree with this statement. I would like to express my opinion on this issue.

I agree with the point of view that fast food is not harmful to our health. First of all, an junk food includes the same ingredients that people eat at home – bread, sausages, cheese, thus there are nothing that can significantly endanger a wellness.

Moreover, it could be useful for our mental health to treat yourself. Because sometimes people have a big desire to eat something with a lot of sauce and drink a fizzy water, but they do not permit themselves have a meal like that and eat a broccoli or another right food. That is normal to allow yourself to eat fast food sometimes if it makes a person happier.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. Some people argue that eating a junk food is one of the cause of obesity, stomach as well as heart diseases due to a large amount of oil and flavorings.

However, I cannot agree with this opinion because a bad food does not exist. The problem of stomach and heart diseases, obesity consist in how much was eaten, not what it was. People should keep a normal balance of nutrient, and then their wellness will be great.

To sum it up, I would like to say that there are different points of view upon this issue, but I stand my ground that eating fast food does not harm our health.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Замечаний к решению коммуникативной задачи нет.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Логическая организация текста нареканий не вызывает. Абзацное деление корректно и соответствует смысловой структуре текста.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

1) right foodhealthy food;

2) stomach as well as heart diseases – stomach and heart diseases;

3) I stand my ground that eating fast food – I stand my ground and think that eating fast food [За фразой stand one's ground обычно не ставится придаточное предложение с that].

К4 (грамматика) – 0 баллов

1) eating a fast foodeating fast food [Артикль не требуется];

2) an junk food includesjunk food includes [Артикль не требуется];

3) thus there are nothing – thus, there is nothing [Местоимение nothing согласуется с глаголом в единственном числе];

4) endanger a wellnessendanger wellness [Артикль не требуется];

5) to treat yourself – to treat ourselves [Лучше выбрать возвратное местоимение, согласующееся с общим смыслом предложения];

6) drink a fizzy waterdrink fizzy water [Артикль не требуется];

7) permit themselves have – permit themselves to have [Необходима частица to];

8) have a meal like that and eat a broccoli or another right food – have a meal like that and eat broccoli or some other healthy food instead [Во-первых, убираем артикль перед broccoli. Во-вторых, заменяем another на some other. В третьих, добавляем instead, чтобы было понятно, что глагол permit относится только к глаголу have, а глагол eat, напротив, выражает альтернативную идею];

9) if it makes a person happier – if it makes you happier [Ранее использовалась фраза allow yourself, поэтому лучше оформить и остаток предложения при помощи соответствующих местоимений];

10) eating a junk foodeating junk food [Артикль не требуется];

11) one of the cause of obesity – one of the causes of obesity [Необходимо поставить существительное во множественное число];

12) a bad foodbad food [Артикль не требуется];

13) consist in how much – consists in how much;

14) a normal balance of nutrient – a normal balance of nutrients.

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

the same ingredients that people eat at home – bread, sausages, cheese, thus there are nothing – the same ingredients that people eat at home: bread, sausages, cheese, etc. Thus, there is nothing [Перед перечислением лучше поставить двоеточие, а фрагмент с thus трансформировать в самостоятельное предложение, отделив thus запятой].

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