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Proposal for visiting armed forces central museum (Школьные сочинения)


I would like to put forward the following proposal, which as I believe would demonstrate why I would like to organize an excursion to the Central Museum of the armed forces, which is situated not far away from our college.

Advantages and benefits of visiting the central museum of armed forces.

First of all, visiting this museum, like any other cultural place, might be a great recreation after an arduous end exhausting routine at our college, which made most of our students tired and exhausted. Moreover, students may learn a lot during the excursion. Therefore the Central Museum is a wonderful place to combine business with pleasure. Students may actually gain some knowledge about how terrifying the wars are and how much it hurts humanity every year.

Museum sightseeing tour and what it is about.

In the Central Museum of the armed forces, there are more than fifty-eight rooms with unique showpieces from the different war zones and exhibitions of other museums and collections from all around the globe. As far as I am concerned, seeing the war exhibits and listening to a professional guide’s narrations might awake the students’ patriotism, as a result, they will study harder and will be more likely to pass exams. That may actually cause a decrease in the percentage of expelled students.

Organization and prices.

I promise to organize everything in the best possible way.

Ordering a bus to the museum for a group of up to forty-eight people will cost only two thousand rubles, the tickets and a guided tour will cost ten thousand more rubles. Furthermore, there are free tickets on the ninth of January, so the cheapest excursion will cost only six thousand rubles, which is not that expensive for such a big group of museum visitors.


To sum up, it is easy to find a group of forty-eight students to go to the Central Museum of the armed forces. I hope, my proposal will be given due consideration as soon as possible.


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