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Money is a stressed part of modern life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays quality of our life depends on our income. Some people are convinced that society worries about the amount of money in its wallets, whereas others consider that money are not vital for them.

In my opinion, money is a stressful part of mort modern life. Firstly, a big income gives us was an opportunity to have an interesting and beautiful life. People try to work more and better for it, that is why money is stress for them. Secondly, modern society respects rich people, who have expensive clothes, cars and accommodation. Lots of men and women want to be respected, so they attempt to earn much money, which causes stress. However not all people share my point of view.

They believe that money is not an essential part of their lives. There are lots of more paramount things, for instance, health. Without healthy mind and body money loses its value, Therefore, it is useless to worry about income and it os not a stressful part of contemporary life.

I cannot agree with the above-mentioned opinion because money provides you a high quality medical care which solves any health problems. Consequently, money is an important part of our life and we should pay attention to it.

To conclude there are different viewpoints on the issue of stress which is caused by money. To my mind, people should worry about wealth because it improves all life areas.


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