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A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Эссе по теме "A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer. " ЕГЭ английский язык

To begin with, I should say that nowadays the majority of students uses computers in studying. Some people believe that it is impossible for students to study without a laptop or personal computer, while others disagree with that. Let us speculate on this topic.

Personally, I believe that using a computer is not necessary as there are many another helpful methods for studying. I am going to present some arguments proving my point of view. Firstly, the most effective way for studying is attending lessons. A teacher can explain the topic and answers all your questions. Secondly, using textbooks is very useful. Students can borrow them from libraries or buy in a bookstore.

However, there are people who take the opposite point of view.

According to their opinion, computers are irreplaceable in studying. They think that it is faster and more comfortable to find all information on the Internet, use different programs and discuss homework with friends using social networks.

I strongly disagree with their opinion. To my mind, a computer makes studying very easy and students stop using their brain. They just copy the information without delving into it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are different opinions on this topic, but I am sure that effective studying is possible without gadgets.


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