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Online dating via the Internet (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays more and more people find their special ones on the Internet. Some people approve it and some people don't.

Personally, I believe that the Internet is not the best place to look for your special ones.

To begin with, communication on the Internet is not always safe. You talk to strangers and you can't be sure of them. Moreover, nothing can replace face to face communication. When communicating in real life, we see people, their facial expressions and gestures. And finally, it is very difficult to determine whether a person is suitable for you or not with the help of ordinary correspondence. In this case, over time, you may encounter unpleasant facts.

On the other hand, there are a lot of people, who believe that the Internet is an appropriate place to make new acquaintances.

They think that it is very convenient because you can communicate with people from all over the world without even leaving your house. Moreover, there are a lot of shy and timid people, so the Internet is the only opportunity for them to meet new friends.

There is a great deal of truth in what they say. However, I believe that communication on the Internet and in reality is significantly different. Furthermore, when you correspond, you don't know much about those people. You do not have the opportunity to study their background and get to know them for real.

To sum up, I think that there are a lot of far better places for meeting new people. It is considerably more safer to communicate with people with whom you are at least a little familiar.


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