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Selling techniques and online shopping (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Stores use a variety of ways to get customers to spend as much money as possible. Some of the techniques such as leaflets, free offers and other sales promotions are very obvious, but others are less apparent. Supermarkets know from their research that the idea of “freshness” is important to customers even though most of the things they sell, such as soap, powders are clearly quite different from this image. So they place fruit and vegetables near the entrance to give a first impression of freshness and brightness. In addition, many larger stores have an instore bakery because the smell of fresh bread makes you hungry and encourages impulse buying. The smell also attracts you into the store! They also use high intensity lights which make the shop seem extra clean.

The goods are located in the supermarket so that the person sees as many shelves as possible along the way. This selling technique makes person to buy something extra. So the location of goods on the shelves is important too. Cheaper products that are not so profitable for the store to sell are placed very low or very high. So the buyer will pay attention to a more expensive product. And bright products for children, such as chewing gum, chocolate bars, toys, are usually located at the level of the children's eyes, so that they pay attention to them and ask their parents to buy them. Stores still use changing the usual layout and large trolleys for customers.

However, nowadays more and more shoppers choose the online shopping. Online shopping is a modern way of buying everything you want from your home. Apart from saving time, you can also find same things online but they often cost less than they do in a mall. However, you may have doubts about the size. Luckily, most online shops give detailed information about sizes and even offer some online assistance. Moreover, online shopping gives you the opportunity to be aware of special offers, sales and discounts. Online shops may send you messages or e-mails. Nevertheless, online shopping has also its weak points that stop many people from buying something online. You can’t be sure about the purity of the color, about the quality of the material, etc. The item can be exchanged, but it will take a long time. That's why I don't enjoy online shopping.

In conclusion, I would like to reflect on what the future holds for the stores. In my opinion, stores will need fewer and fewer employees. Even now, there are more and more shops with self-service cash registers.


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