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Some of my friends say there’s nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its film version (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

For the great majority of people reading is something strange or even hard, so that is why somebodies prefer watch film adaptation of the book, than just read it.

My personal view is that reading is much better in most cases. I truly prefer reading and you can ask why. So I will answer. First of all, when you reading a book, you get a real, non-changed information and author’s opinion on problems that picture the text from the book. Your brain can imagine great things, like beautiful places or bloody battles to the death that not a single film can show. Thirdly, film’s plot can be really different from original source. For example, this summer I have read book named “The picture of Dorian Grey” by Oscar Wilde. After I finished reading, I wanted to watch a film. While watching this I was upset, because many things were changed, including a perfect book’s ending.

However, I also agree that sometimes I will rather watch a film adaptation than read a book.

For instance, once I watched a film named “Scarface”, which telling about gangster from 1980s, who reached the top of the world and then fall from it. Much later I discovered that this film was on adaptation of a book. I was really happy about it, because I liked film, so book will be much greater. I was false. I read a book “Scarface” by Armitage Trail. Honestly, for today it is the worst book I have ever read. This book have nothing in common with the film, also it is short and full of clich&覡 about gangsters and mafia/ that is why I am not mad about people, who prefer watch films instead of reading, but I still believe, that not in all cases, but in most, books are better than film versions.

To sum up, I would like to say, that every person can choose what he likes to. In some times films better than original source. In other cases book is preferably.


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