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Time management (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Time management is an important part of people’s life.

Some people are able to organize their time, others never have time for anything and put everything off.

Unfortunately, I personally belong to the second type. Most often, I do all my business at the last moment and get distracted by the information I don't need.

The main thing in the ability to organize your time is to make an action plan and clearly formulate goals. The effectiveness of your activities depends on it.

You also need to be able to set priorities. Make a list of goals for life, the next year, month, and today. Sort the tasks, starting with the primary ones and ending with the secondary ones.

It is very important not to do several things at the same time. If we don't succeed, we slow down, get nervous and stressed.

You can also set yourself a deadline and complete the task within the allotted time.

But it is important not to overdo it and not to forget about the rest.

Of course, time management makes sense.

Over time, people get used to time planning and make progress in achieving their goals.

I hope that will too organize my time.

We must learn to organize our time, as this can be very useful for us in the future. If we are able to plan and set goals, we will undoubtedly be able to achieve success in any activity. Of course, it can be difficult to start, but then the process goes faster and people get involved in it.

If you can not set yourself any deadlines, than you have to start at least with planning for uncertain time.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 0 баллов

Представленное сочинение тематически, содержательно и структурно не соответствует требованиям ЕГЭ – формулировка названия не предполагает дискуссию, а текст не построен по традиционной модели, включающей пять тесно взаимосвязанных по смыслу абзацев. Коммуникативную задачу поэтому решённой считать нельзя. Эссе получает ноль баллов.

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