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Distant learning saves students a lot of time пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

One of the result of technology development is a distant learning. Nowadays it is very popular among students and pupils. It is, because distant learning help them save a lot of time.

After all, you can study at home sitting by your computer or tablet and have the same knowledges as usual student or even better. And in this case you have more time and you can organize your timetable as you want. Students can devote their energy to subjects which are really interesting and important to them.

Also many students have to spend a lot of time on the road. Sometimes it takes more thane two hours to get to the university. And distant learning is the best way for those who doesn’t want to cover several tens of kilometers every day, because for this this they don’t even need to leave their house.

Moreover, some students combine studying and work, because they have to pay for their education.

After hard long day at university they works till the evening and do their homework till the night. This is why many students have a lot of problems and stress, also their working capacity decreases.

ut if you learning is distant you can study at anytime and everywhere. Your schedule becomes more flexible, so you can work and study at the same time, if you need.

However, there is another point of view on this issue. Studying by computer or phone doesn’t allow the student to communicate with the teacher. This may be a reason why student doesn’t understand a theme, so he have to waste more time on learning than usual.

To sum up, distant learning is a new type of studying, but it has a lot of advantages. Every day there are more and more people who wants to study like this, because it really saves their time.


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