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It is good to live in a big family example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about a huge family. Some people strongly believe that it is great to have a lot of relatives. Other people suppose that life in a large family is not very pleasant.

From my point of view, a big family is not very bad. Sometimes having numerous siblings and relatives is an excellent advantage. Firstly, a person, who has many siblings, never stays alone, even if he has any friends at school or anywhere else.

elatives always can support and help. Secondly, it is a great opportunity for having physical activity because there is always walking to the park, camping or swimming with family. Finally, it is considered that if a child cannot do the exercises for school he may ask somebody from elder brothers and sisters thus family plays a significant role in the education of the child.

However, other people believe that a bid family is not very good.

Child is not receiving enough parent’s attention and may be jealous of other children. Moreover, conflicts generally happen in a large family, when every family member wants to be heard.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because despite the general opinion many parents try to give attention to all of their children in modern reality. Today revaluation of values is more often a phenomenon, including family traditions and ways of parenting. In addition, people are able to compromise for safety and a lovely atmosphere in the family.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that a big family is a wonderful chance to learn how to love, support and compromise with the dearest people.


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