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Mobile phones should be banned at school premises at all times (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays mankind lives in era of new technologies. Some people are convinced that students should not be allowed to use mobile phones at schools, while others disagree with this opinion. Now I am going to express my point of view on this issue.

I strongly believe that mobile phones should be banned at school premises. Firstly, gadgets distract students' attention. Pupils start to use phones on the lessons instead of listening to a teacher. Secondly, mobile phones give students an opportunity to cheat during tests because they can easily find all answers on the Internet. Thirdly, mobile phones cause addiction. There are many cases when teenagers cannot live without their gadgets.

School should help to get rid of this habit.

My opponents claim that it is important for pupils to bring their phones to school premises. Sometimes students have to call their parents and say what time their classes will end or if something happens, it is easy to immediately inform relatives. What is more, mobile phones are the source of information. They help to find a scientific article or grammar rules in a few seconds. It is very useful for students. It helps them learn more information and to increase their knowledge.

In spite of these convincing arguments, I cannot agree with this point of view. Parents can always call a student's teacher. If an accident happens, school will inform parents. There are no students who use gadgets only for educational purposes. Most of the teenagers just surf social networking sites.

In conclusion I would like to say that gadgets should be banned at school because schoolchildren stop paying attention on lessons and begin to surf the Net instead.


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