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Patriotism should be a part of school curriculum + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, in the era of globalization, the preservation of national identity is the most urgent issue in every country. It is popularly believedthat patriotic subjects must be included in the school educational programme. However, some people have a different view on this point. In this essay I am going to express my own opinion on it.

I advocate thatschools must teach their pupils to treat their native country with respect and awe. Firstly, it helps to bring up a generation of sheer patriots who will probably improve their country, facilitate lives of city dwellers and take care of natural and cultural development. Secondly, patriotism, taught at schools, includes history of the country, so national heritage will certainly be preserved.

The opponents disagree and suggest thateveryone should have the right to choose the country he respects and loves, as we all have different opinions and experience.

That is whyteaching patriotism at schools destroys the freedom of choice and inculcates in pupils an insincere feeling of devotion to their motherland.

However, I cannot agree with the opponents’ opinion. One is expected to pay respect to the country he was born in, as it is his home, the place he grows up in. It is the reason whya person should be grateful for all the happy moments he has and express it in a patriotic form he learns at school.

To round up all mentioned above, I insist that everyone has to be taught to be devoted his own country, as it will help to preserve national heritage and educate people able to improve their motherland.



17 July 2020

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your letter, it was good to hear from you again.

You asked me about the last time I went to the zoo. Well, it was two years ago, when my family and I celebrated my younger sister’s birthday. We all enjoyed staring at animals, but my sister was especially satisfied with watching the lions. They can be seen in

ussian zoos, as well as tigers, elephants, zebras and so on. I believe that visiting a zoo is more pleasant for kids than for adults. If only you had had a look on my sister’s face! She was so happy!

I love your wish to learn something new. What kind of hobby do you plan to take up? How many times a week do you want to practise it? Do you have to buy something additional to it?

Write back soon.

With love,



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