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Some people think that the most important thing in life is health (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that the most important thing in life is health whereas others have an opposing opinion.

From my point of view, health is the most valuable thing. To begin with, health is an irretrievable people’s resource. Despite the fact that there are digital technologies, pills and vaccines in modern life, some diseases are untreatable and some illnesses might not be cured. Additionally, health is the source of our well-being so healthy people might concentrate on success, earning money and improving the quality of their lives instead of focusing on their health state. Last but not the least, a healthy lifestyle is important. The length of people’s lives is based on their health state, being sick means a person could not lead a fulfilling life.

Nevertheless, there are people who have an opposing opinion. They are sure that health is not the most essential thing, explaining that it is more significant to be happy, they ignore the importance of healthy living.

Moreover, they think that career and money are more important.

However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the above-mentioned opinion as I believe that only health brings true happiness. Furthermore, health problems cause difficulties in achieving career prospects that lead to financial stability.

In conclusion, I am strongly convinced that the state of health is a valuable and inseparable part of human existence as healthy people are full of energy, are able to lead a meaningful life and impact our future global progress.


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