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The most important thing in life is health example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is impossible to imagine our lives without health. Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about health and healthy lifestyle. Some people think that the main thing in humans’ lives is their wellness. However, there is an opposite point of view.

In my opinion, there is much to be said in favour of importance of health. To start with, if people become unhealthy then every task is difficult to do, and after this there is more and more tasks in people’s lives and eventually they cannot make nothing out of this. Furthermore, health helps humans to become stronger, feel better and improve their mental health too. Therefore, people become happier and kinder. Mentally and physically healthy person has enough strength to wake up early in the morning, make exercises and feel good during the all day.

However, we can find a contrary opinion.

Some people state that health is not valuable thing for humans. For example, they say that money is more important then health, because rich people can provide their families and buy anything they want to. They solve their problems with money, eat delicious high-priced food, drive modern cool cars and many other expensive things.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the previous point of view because sometimes money cannot buy the health and it is more important to care about initially. Unhealthy human cannot go out of a hospital and, even if he or she is wealthy, spend all the money. So what is the point of being rich then?

After consideration rather controversial news nothing can change my mind. I still strongly believe that the most important thing in life is health.


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