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40. Central parts of big cities should be closed to private transport (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that cars should be forbidden from the city center, while others say that drivers should be allowed to access all parts of the city.

Personally, I support the opinion that private vehicles should be banned from the city center. It’s common knowledge that despite the breakthrough in the development of electric engines, most cars are still powered with petrol. They make much noise and disturb the busy life in the city. Moreover, toxic car emissions pollute the air in a densely-populated area. Eventually, people can use public transport to commute to work, shopping malls or other destinations in a short time.

However, some people argue that if the city center is closed for cars, its infrastructure will be destroyed.

Also, driving a private vehicle is a lot more comfortable than using public transport.

esides, you can act according to your plans when driving a car as you can choose a flexible route by yourself.

As for me, I do not agree with this point of view. I believe that cars even aggravate the hustle and bustle of big cities and create an unfriendly environment for the residents. I suppose that more attention should be paid to the design of flexible routes for public transport in order to suit the citizens’ demands.

In summary, I think that it is no good decision to grant drivers access to the city center as it makes life there unsustainable.


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