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Science is the first thing to be financed today example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Science is the first thing to be financed today neasonable government financing is widely discussed nowadays. Some people are sure that science should be financed firstly, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view.

In my opinion, scientific researching is the task of great importance nowadays. This activity should be financed first and foremost in comparison to other spheres of life. The role of science nowadays cannot be overestimated, because it helps people to live longer and makes our life more comfortable and high-quality. Moreover, scientific research helps people to move the progress in different fields of life like space and ocean exploration, medicine or physics.

However, there are people who are sure that there are many other parts of life which can be primarily financed. For example, such people consider economics, education, entertainment or other fields of our everyday life to be much more significant, than science.

I strongly disagree with this point of view because it is impossible to imagine the development of all that spheres of life without science.

That is why the first thing to be financed nowadays is, of course, scientific research which gives people an opportunity to understand life better.

To sum up, I should say that science is the most important part of human’s life that is why it requires to be financed first and foremost. As we know, the science is the mover of everything, so the aim of government is to introduce the importance of science to the population.


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