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Nature is powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference // Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many people think that nature can defeat any human actions which cause a negative affect on it but others disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, nature isn’t powerful enough and we should take care and try to protect it as much as we can. Firstly, scientists has already proved that human actions are damaging our planet. Global warming is the biggest sign that shows us that if we continue to pollute air we will have to deal with consequences such as destruction of ozone layer. Secondly, industrial revolution led to the emergence of many factories, cars and megapolises which is why many forests had been cut and natural resources had been spent in non renewable amounts. Trees are an essential part in creating new oxygen for people, birds and animals and without them nature lose its power

On the other side, many people believe that nature can oppose any human interference and is able to restore itself.

They think that natural disaster is a defeating reflex which helps nature to make people more conscious about their actions.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because nature is suffering right now because of human beings. Many animal species are dying because we destroy their natural habitat and different toxic wastes pollute our soil and water making it unsafe. Moreover, natural disasters do not help nature but ruin it even more.

In conclusion, I think nature needs our protection and we should be more responsible with our actions because only human beings cause a negative affect on the planet

Science plays a very important role in people’s life and a lot of money is being invested in it nowadays. Many people believe that science should be financed more than other spheres wile others disagree with them.

In my opinion, there are more important things to be financed in the modern world. Firstly, money should be spend on solving problems that are serious and life-threatening. Ecological situation is becoming worse each year. Therefore, investing money into finding solution to ecological problems is necessary for our lives. Secondly, there are many social problems that affects daily life millions of people worldwide. Poverty, medical care and education, famine is only a few of them. Due to this fact, government should pay close attention to these problems and help those people.

On the other side, some people say that science is the most important component of progress and its development can be useful for every other sphere of life. Scientific discoveries can help in finding a treatment for different illnesses, in providing a solution for economic growth or in creating a new method of cleaning the air.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because not all scientific researchers are successful and it usually takes a long period of time before any results appear. There are many problems that can be solved right now and money should go there first.

In conclusion, I think that science is definitely important but it shouldn’t be the first thing to be invested because it doesn’t affect our lives as much as world problems.


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