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What is choice (Школьные сочинения)

In our time, everyone thinks, what have roles in choices it is really or not. It is a really hard question, because for each its once, for second it’s dwice… Everyday we say, what it is our life and it's our role, we hear it’s from everything, beginning with a spock president finished videogame, but if it's really that, why doesn't everyone achieve their dreams? Majority say, what we achieved much in the past, we say, what now we are more diplomatic. It’s half true and half false, because we are set limits, and it does not take us freedom. For example, in majority countries, the rule, what the man can’t be more rich, then the state treasury, because he may bribe all, and for it the state gets much tax.

ut what is the choice? Each has value for that form.

For one it’s when you can choose between studying and walking with friends, for second it’s deciding what you want to do…

We make choices every day, every minute of our life. This choice may be serious may be not, but for sure it'll make us more nearly or farly for our aims.

y me choice is a state of uncertainty when you need to choose one option from two or many.

egan with childhood us printed differences between true and false, honest and dishonest, but all this ultimately boils down to a choice between good and evil. The choice of a profession is also the most important choice of each person, since the whole future life depends on him in many ways, so it is so important that professional activity brings joy, and not just material well-being. In this regard, first of all, you need to listen to your heart, your desires, interests, and not the advice of others. I think that everyone should manage their own life. Making informed decisions. Do not forget that the choice involves responsibility for the decision. A person must make some choice. Very often there is a problem of choice. Sometimes I hesitate between the options. Each of them has its pros and cons. At such moments, should I be sure that I have another option? Then making a choice becomes much easier. For example, when I go to make a purchase, I write plus and minus, what it takes me, and think about enough days, and if my decision doesn't change, I buy it. In one word choice is when you are deciding, what from much point more important for you.


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