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Studying languages abroad gives a far better result then doing it in your country (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today's world, the issue of influence of travel on language learning causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that travels help to learn the language better while others think that it does not matter.

My personal point of view is that travels play a huge role in any learning process. Firstly, a person communicates with native speakers abroad, which significantly affects on his/her language proficiency and pronunciation. Secondly, when a person travels, he/she learns not only the language, but also the culture of the country. It seems to me that in order to have a better and more fluent command of the language, you need to learn a language along with history and culture.

However, one can consider this problem from another angle.

First of all, school and university teachers teach foreign languages at a very high level, there are also many courses with native speakers, so you can learn a foreign language in your own country. Another fact is that if you want to communicate with native speakers from another country you can do it online.

Despite my respect for the opinion expressed above, I cannot share it because there is nothing better for learning a foreign language than being in the midst of this language, where people communicate only in it and you cannot switch to your native language.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to say that travels really help people to learn a foreign language. It makes people leave their comfort zone.


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