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Singing can help in learning foreign languages example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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The question of whether singing can help to improve your knowledge of a foreign language will always be controversial. Although many people think that singing is a useless part of learning a foreign language, others claim that it can help you in many ways.

In my opinion, singing is a crucially important part of the process of learning any language. Firstly, you can read the lyrics of a song and see how grammar is used in spoken language. Moreover, listening to songs can help to learn the rules much faster, than reading a book. Secondly, if you learn by heart the lyrics, you can sing along with your favorite artist. It can help to improve both your memory and pronunciation.

However, some people are not ready to share my point of view.

They claim that songs exist only for entertainment because artists use mostly simple words without any deep meaning, so there is nothing else to comprehend. Additionally, artists rarely use complicated grammar structures, and their singing is difficult to understand if you are not a native speaker.

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. Despite the simple meaning of a song, you can improve your vocabulary because every person listens to at least a couple of bands, so there are plenty of songs to learn. Moreover, if you have read the lyrics twice, you will understand the words, so it is the best listening practice. Also, it is more pleasant than listening to trivial tasks from books.

To sum up, I believe that singing can help people who learn languages.

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K1- 0 баллов. Поэтому задание целиком оценивается в 0 баллов.

3 частично раскрытых аспекта и 2 нераскрытых.


The question of whether singing can help to improve your knowledge of a foreign language will always be controversial. Although many people think that singing is a useless part of learning a foreign language, others claim that it can help you in many ways.

Аспект не полностью раскрыт. Не очень точно сформулирована тема “часть изучения иностранного языка”, скорее способ. Точка зрения оппонентов размытая “помочь многими способами”, что и чему не уточняется и может интерпретироваться как угодно.

2. Свое мнение

In my opinion, singing is a crucially important part of the process of learning any language. Firstly, you can read the lyrics of a song and see how grammar is used in spoken language. Moreover, listening to songs can help to learn the rules much faster, than reading a book. Secondly, if you learn by heart the lyrics, you can sing along with your favorite artist. It can help to improve both your memory and pronunciation.

Аспект засчитывается частично. Тема о пении, а не прослушивании музыки.

3. Точка зрения оппонентов

However, some people are not ready to share my point of view. They claim that songs exist only for entertainment because artists use mostly simple words without any deep meaning, so there is nothing else to comprehend. Additionally, artists rarely use complicated grammar structures, and their singing is difficult to understand if you are not a native speaker.

Аспект не засчитывается, автор опять ушел от темы.

4. Контраргумент

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. Despite the simple meaning of a song, you can improve your vocabulary because every person listens to at least a couple of bands, so there are plenty of songs to learn. Moreover, if you have read the lyrics twice, you will understand the words, so it is the best listening practice. Also, it is more pleasant than listening to trivial tasks from books.

Контраргумент не может быть засчитан, так как и он естественно не по теме.

5. Заключение

To sum up, I believe that singing can help people who learn languages.

Слишком короткий вывод, засчитывается частично.

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