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Some of my friends say there's nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its film version example first (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is generally suggested that a film adaptation of a book is much easier to watch, comparing to initial origin of a film – a worthy book. However, a significant part of teenagers may support the opposite point of view.

To my mind reading an interesting book is much better since you become more intellectually skilled and develop the ability of plunging into the deepest edges of fantasy. Moreover, reading broadens your mind due to numerous observed grammatical structures and one feels free to talk on any topic. Finally, one may find like-minded people and close friends due to becoming more educated.

Nevertheless, some teenagers may argue that watching a film is a more amusing leisure than reading a book as it shows breathtaking 3D effects and intriguing movie technologies. What is more, watching a film costs much cheaper rather than buying a bestseller.

Personally, I disagree with youth opinion since everybody should look forward to being literate and educated in modern world, this can be improved by useful literature.

esides, sometimes the film cannot cover the true plot of the book – some special events and vital characteristic traits might be ignored.

To sum up, I’m convinced that reading an enlightening, fascinating book is far more beneficial and useful than watching a film, because a book improves your grammar, mindset skills and gives the freedom of imagination, even though adolescence may claim that a film is cheaper to watch and has modern sci-fi effects.

Words: 243


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