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Fashion industry exists to persuade people to spend money on things that you really don’t need (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays it is getting harder to avoid spending money on needless things such as clothes. That is why some people are assured that the fashion industry convinces them to buy more items of clothes, even if they do not need them. Although, not everyone supports that viewpoint, as they have different opinions.

Personally, I believe that fashion is no more about style or comfort. Fashion has become an enormous business industry that provides an impact on attitude toward a person’s appearance persuades him or her to look more respectable in the eyes of other people. For that reason, fashion trends are changed too quickly to encourage people to purchase new garments of clothes. Moreover, regular sales and active advertisement are another way of convincing people to spend their money. It is almost impossible to stay away from big slogans promising 50 or even 80 % discounts on the desired products.

However, there are people who think otherwise, because they believe that everything depends on a person's interest in fashion.

Their main argument is that if someone does not follow trends and supports conscious spending of money, they will not buy things, which are not planned.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot agree with it as I am sure that not everyone will follow this pattern as they are not able to resist the influence of the system of marketing that the fashion industry trying to create.

In conclusion, I want to affirm that existence of fashion industry as a business sphere not only effect on our demands but also stimulates companies to produce more unnecessary clothes items

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

Мысль в первом предложении эссе оформлена так, что звучит абсурдно – будто бы одежда в целом является бесполезной вещью. Следовало бы перефразировать фрагмент и сделать акцент на возможной бесполезности именно новомодных деталей гардероба.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

В первых двух предложениях сочинения перепутаны причина и следствие – автор говорит о том, что становится сложнее удержаться от бесполезных покупок, поэтому многие люди ощущают давление индустрии моды. Думается, дело обстоит как раз наоборот.

К3 (лексика) – 1 балл

1) Although, not everyone supportsHowever, not everyone supports [В начале предложения в таких случаях ставится however];

2) provides an impacthas an impact [Глагол have более уместен в данном контексте];

3) appearance persuades – appearance and persuades [Необходимо поставить союз, иначе в предложении образуется разрыв];

4) new garments of clothesnew garments/clothes [Поскольку слова garments и clothes близки по смыслу, следует использовать только одно из них];

5) not only effect on our demands – not only has an effect on our demands / not only affects our demands [В исходном варианте глагол использован неверно].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) impact on attitude – impact on the/our attitude [Требуется артикль или притяжательное местоимение];

2) the fashion industry trying to create – the fashion industry is trying to create [Пропущен вспомогательный глагол];

3) that existence of fashion industry – that the existence of the fashion industry [Требуются артикли].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) that viewpoint, as they – that viewpoint as they [Запятая не требуется];

2) think otherwise, because – think otherwise because [Запятая не требуется];

3) buy things, which are not planned – buy things which are not planned [Запятая не требуется];

4) our demands but also – our demands, but also [Требуется запятая].

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