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travel broadens the mind example new (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

12 из 14
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The question of whether traveling is a way for education or not will always be controversial. Although many people think that we need to travel only for leisure, others claim that travelers can learn a lot.

In my opinion, the most important benefit of traveling is that it opens our eyes to a wide variety of different cultures. Firstly, traveling teaches us to be more tolerant of other customs because it allows us to see how others live their lives. For example, you can understand the reasons why they act a little bit strange for foreigners. Secondly, traveling is a good motive to study the history of a new place by visiting museums and exhibitions. It might be exciting even if a person does not interested in history. Moreover, a person can recognize that his perspective depends on the angle the issue is faced, so travel broadens one's mind.

However, not all people are ready to share my point of view.

They claim that travelers want to relax and have fun. They think that it is better to study at home and you cannot learn something important in such studies as physics or chemistry. The only thing they can do is talk to local people.

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. Travel can open our minds to the natural wonders of the world around us and lead to having a greater understanding of the world and the forces that act upon it. Also, conversations with locals can help to practice a foreign language.

To sum up, I believe that travel can expand people's horizons, especially if they travel in order to gain experience.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача решена на достойном уровне.

Однако требуется внести небольшие корректировки. Так, предложение They think that it is better to study at home and you cannot learn something important in such studies as physics or chemistry нуждается в уточнении, что выучить ничего невозможно именно в пути. Следующее предложение The only thing they can do is talk to local people также следует усовершенствовать, поскольку из-за обилия местоимений they в данной части работы из него не до конца ясно, о ком именно идёт речь.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст организован корректно.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

depends on the angle the issue is faced – depends on the angle the issue is approached/seen/looked at/examined from [Не вполне верно переведено выражение «посмотреть на проблему под иным углом»].

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) a way for education – a way of education [Неверно использован предлог];

2) act a little bit strange – act a little bit strangely [Использование слова strange в качестве наречия не считается нормативным];

3) a person does not interested in history – a person is not interested in history [Неверно построена конструкция];

4) a person can recognize that his perspective – a person can recognize that his or her / their perspective [Необходимо использовать нейтральные местоимения];

5) you cannot learn something important – you cannot learn anything important [В отрицательных предложениях предпочтительнее использовать производные с any].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

Серьёзных отклонений от орфографических и пунктуационных норм не отмечено.

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