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Some people think that it is easy to be a teacher (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Taking as a suggestion we can say that there are some people who are considered that it is pretty simple to be an educator. I would like to investigate this job' realm with the basis on my life experience. Teachers in one corner have an aim set by curriculum and in another educators want to engulf children’s attention and involve them in the area of subject.

ut contrary he has to put all attention on the situation in the class area.

esides, a teacher has to be a good listener or even a psychologist – every child needs his own way to communicate, there is no common approach. Moreover, the teacher has to control the way he expresses his opinions. Young pupils, primary school students in the majority are soaking new information just like sponge. Teacher for them is a person whose actions they reflect just like mirrors. Swearing or showing rude treatment in sight of kids can affect your vision of the world and even twist the paths of life.

There is an opinion that teachers have light working schedule. People tend to think that summer for teachers is endless vacation. Also, individuals are considered that educator repeats uncountable times the information they already knew. Moreover, there is a group of people who think that teachers like to give bad marks to students. As for me, I think that pedagogies don’t spend their summer holidays the way they are thought. If you’ve become a teacher you have to be ready to study all yourlife. If you put your life goal as to be a good teacher, you have to consider this job as a lifestyle.  The portrait of a perfect educator is a human who was born to teach. There is one percent from hundred that if teacher suddenly chose this profession will be successful on this path. Last but not least, educators have to love sharing their knowledge: if they are too greedy to share, how can they teach than?In conclusion I want to say that giving new information is never easy. Teacher first has to be a friend and then an educator.  School years have to be the most inspiring and life-course giving time in your life.

ut, if you deal with a teacher who hates children you may lose all desire to be educated. Humane is the most needed quality to the future teacher.  


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