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40.Friendship is the greatest gift in life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

9 из 14
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Some people claim that the best present of life is friendship. At the same time, others consider that family is the greatest gift. I would like to express my opinion about this issue.

I agree with the point of view that friendship is the most valuable thing. First of all, having a friend helps people to form a personality through sharing of experience. Moreover, at most cases, it is better to ask a friend for advice or tell them a secret because they can give an independent recommendation, a support.

esides, friendship includes a lot of fun in life and creating warm memories.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. Some people argue that the best gift of life is family because they are the only people who always close to you throughout your life. Others believe that love is the only thing that matters.

However, I cannot agree with this opinion because not everybody has a healthy relationship in family. Children do not choose, who will be their parents and relatives thus their worldview can be completely different.

Speaking about love, it is hard to find a soulmate and have a romantic relationship with them, this means that to know love you should first know friendship.

To sum it up, I would like to say that there are various points of view upon this issue, but I still stand my ground and think that friendship is the greatest gift in life.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Существенных замечаний по решению коммуникативной задачи нет.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Автор без необходимости выделил в самостоятельный абзац одно предложение (Besides, friendship includes … ), чем нарушил как логическую структуру текста, так и требуемый форматом экзамена план изложения. Вероятно, это сделано по ошибке, поскольку в слове Besides отсутствует первая буква.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

1) the best present of life – the best present in life [Предлог in намного более употребителен в таком контексте];

2) at most casesin most cases [Необходимо поменять предлог];

3) friendship includes a lot of fun – friendship implies/brings/means a lot of fun [Глагол include не вполне подходит по смыслу].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) a supportsupport [Слово support в значении «поддержка» является отвлечённым понятием и не используется с неопределённым артиклем];

2) and creating warm memories – and creates warm memories [Лучше использовать предложенную конструкцию, в которой форма глагола create выступает в качестве сказуемого];

3) people who always close to you – people who are always close to you [Пропущен глагол are, являющийся частью сказуемого].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 0 баллов

1) esidesBesides [Пропущена буква в слове];

2) Children do not choose, who will be their parents and relatives – Children do not choose who will be their parents and relatives [Запятая не требуется];

3) relatives thus their worldview canrelatives. Thus, their world view can [Лучше разделить фрагмент на два предложения и указанным образом изменить пунктуацию];

4) worldviewworld view / world-view [Словари предлагают писать это слово раздельно или через дефис];

5) with them, this meanswith them. This means [Также желательно разбить фрагмент на разные предложения];

6) to know love you should – to know love, you should [Желательна запятая].

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