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Alan's story (Школьные сочинения)

Alan woke up in his bed feeling a little bit strange as he still hadn’t realized what had just happened with him and Lily. A few moments later, he got out of bed and decided that a cup of fresh coffee would refresh him.

As he came into the kitchen, yawning, and approached to a coffee machine, he felt some itch in his back. “It is really unusual, I have never felt something that painful”, he said. After a few moments, he was puzzled by the fact that he had to stand trying to look at the mirror over his shoulder. Finally, he saw that his back was scratched and there was a wicked, bleeding scar along the spine. “What on Earth is going on?!”, he screamed and fell on the floor.

Darkness. Everything was covered in darkness. Alan stood up, feeling unbearably painful. Suddenly, two meters away, he saw 2 small white lights approaching to him.

“Am I dead, is this heaven or hell?” he thought. But none of that it was, as the two lights started making an ultrasound that was impossible to bear. His body started to decompose, he nearly felt how his back was covering in wounds, scrapes and scars, slowly killing him.

“Ding dong, ding dong”, an alarm clock’s sound woke him up. Alan nearly jumped from his bed, his palms were sweaty, his face was red and his body was exhausted. “God damn it, what was that?”, he screamed into the void, but didn’t find the answer. Five minutes later, he was standing up in front the mirror looking at a bleeding scar along his spine. “This dream was real, it was definitely real”, he said, but he knew he could never tell anyone, because nobody would ever believe him.


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