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Seasons: Winter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

As you can see, there are four seasons in a year and one of them is winter. Winter months are December, January and February. Winter is the coldest season, especially in our parts. It brings short days and long nights with frosts and snow. In fact, if spring is the morning of the year and autumn is the evening then winter is the night of the year. Many people dislike winter because of its frosts, but nonetheless there are some opposite opinions about this season, let us discuss them.

Early winter usually sets in at the end of October or at the beginning of November and brings early frosts. In November, heavy snowfalls come and the nature falls asleep under a clean soft blanket of white snow that sparkles in the sun and it gets colder and colder. In fact, the temperature falls below twenty or even thirty degrees below zero. Animals are in hibernation at that time and lakes and rivers are frozen over.

January is usually the coldest month of winter.

As you can see, Russian winter is a severe winter that is why people wrap themselves warm in order not to be frozen to the bone. Heavy snowfalls come, that is why it freezes rather hard. At this time, most people like to stay at home and drink hot tea but there is the other side of the coin. As you can see, winter is a merry time both for children and for grown-ups. Thanks to the snow cover, human beings can do different activities outside. For example, they can be busy skiing, skating, sledging down the hills, making a snowman or just playing snowballs. Besides, if you happen to find yourself in the forest in winter, you will be surprised to find the quietness and the beauty of a marvelous winter with its white frosts and black ice.

February is the windiest month of winter. Besides, it is very slippery outside because it seldom snows and it begins to melt. The sun starts setting earlier and earlier and winter comes to an end.

Though, I have described winter’s pros and cons, I’d like to say that without any doubt winter has a charm of its own.


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