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Working in the garden is the best way of reducing stress (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that the problem of reducing tension worries many people and there are disputes about it. Some people claim that the best way to get rid of stress and pressure is gardening, while others argue that working in the garden is bad for health. In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.

To my mind, gardening can help people to reduce stress. There are some arguments to support my point of view. To start with, when person works in the garden he has a great opportunity to distract from problems. Moreover, this activity can improve the health as fresh air is good for the body. Gardening helps us to practice mental focus and mindfulness which are increasingly popular ways of combatting stress and anxiety.

In addition, digging, planting and weeding help help people keep fit.

However, there is another point of view. Some people believe that during the gardening people can get injured and get sunstroke. Besides, some are allergic to plants and insects. However, other people say that there are a lot of other methods to escape stress which are better than gardening. For instance, in some cases sport and regular exercising take the first place in reducing anxiety as it helps to focus on the exact moment and not to think about problems.

I cannot agree with this opinion because working in the garden is one of the safest activities. If you follow the safety rules, wear a hat, handle shovel and other items carefully, you will not get injured. As for the allergy, there are many pills and vaccinations that help to forget about allergy and have a good time outdoors. Spending times outdoors provides great chances to enjoy the sun which fills our body with Vitamin D which is believed to reduce the level of stress hormone cortisol.

To sum up, although the problem raised in the essay seems controversial, I would like to point out again that gardening remains one of the most effective and available activities for reducing stress.


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