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The Internet is the biggest evil of our time (example) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

One issue that has caused lots of controversy over the years is the Internet. Some people think that it is the most useful invention, while others consider that it does harm. It is important to examine this issue from various viewpoints.

From my point of view, the Internet is the biggest evil of our time. Firstly, people become addicted to the Net and spend much time on it. For instance, they prefer shopping online and chatting on the social networks to going out to buy some food in the supermarket or meeting with friends. Therefore, ones become lazier and more overweight. Secondly, there are many trifles such as commercials and fake news on the Internet nowadays. Moreover, it is easier to control people’s minds because of the Net.

Experts say that this problem leads ones to the loss of the individuality.

However, there are some people who think differently. According to them, the Internet does not do harm. They think that there are more serious problems such as global warming.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with them, because the Net is an integral part of our modern life that have a big influence on people, whereas global warming does not totally depend on people, it is a natural process.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I strongly believe that the Internet is the biggest evil of our life. It takes lots of our time, ruins our health, makes our life meagre. All the same, it would be unfair to accuse this invention. The most part of blame lies with people’s activities. Thus, we should join our efforts to use the Internet properly because people are responsible for their invention.


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