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We must stop using mobile phones because of their harmful impact example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is one very profound statement which says that mobile phones do a lot of har, and we should not use them. Many people agree with it, but the opponents believe that this invention has more advantages than disadvantages.

It causes wide controversy. Let us examine each point of view in detail.

I agree with the second statement. To begin with, mobile phones let you talk with your dearest and nearest anywhere you want. It is very convenient as it lets us solve lots of life problems almost immediately. Also, there is a great number of apps which can be downloaded on a mobile device. Each of them can help you to develop your mind, discover something new or just have a good time. For example, an app called "Puzzle English" gives you new words to learn every day, which lets you to master your language skills.

However, some people have a different opinion.

They claim that because of mobile phones people have serious eyesight problems.

I disagree with this opinion. You have to keep distance between your face and telephone's screen to have eyes safe. Unfortunately, most of people ignore this recommendation and hold their phones too close to themselves. So the main reason for eyesight problems are not cellphones, but our ignorance.

In conclusion it should be mentioned, that mobile phones have become very important in modern world. So it is meaningless to ignore them.


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