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«Foreign language is the most important school subject» 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is one very profound statement which says that foreign language plays a major role in our school lives. Many people agree with it, but the opponents believe that this subject is not so important.

It causes wide controversy. Let us examine each point of view in detail.

I agree with the first statement. To begin with, foreign language gives you opportunities to get a well-paid job. For example, a person who works as a manager for international company has a bigger salary than an ordinary worker of a small bank. The difference between these people is that the first man uses a foreign language in his workplace, whereas the second one does not. Also, good language skills let you travel anywhere you want. The thing is that you need to talk with locals and find out how they think to really understand another country.

You have to know their mother tongue to get this information, but a reward worth it.

However, some people have a different opinion. They claim that there are many more important subjects than foreign language at school. For example, biology or math.

I disagree with this opinion. Of course, these subjects also matter, but learning another language broaden our mind like nothing else. It helps us to get lots of new interesting information from all over the world, which opens new horizons for self-development,

To sum up, knowledge of foreign languages have many advantages. I think everyone should try to learn one.


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