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Our appearance can say a lot of us — вступление, примеры, заключение (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no single opinion if people should form an opinion about other people according to way they look. Some people think that there is nothing wrong in connecting appearance with inner traits of a person while others consider that people can fall into the trap of making wrong judgements based only on visual appeal.

As for me, the way person treats a body provides important information about his or her personality. Firstly, according to the proverb ‘sound mind is in a sound body’, physical fitness correlates to a person’s state of mind and can also tell us about his or her self-discipline. Secondly, people always express themselves through clothes, hairstyles and so forth so this way they tell other people about their personalities and hobbies themselves.

However, there are people who disagree with the considerable importance of appearance while making a judgement about a person.

They provide examples of people who are not going to win any beauty contest but are smart and kind, like Stephen Hawking. Moreover, sometimes a stunningly beautiful person turns out being witless.

Still, I cannot share this position because it is easy to notice if a person cares about his or her body or not. Proper care can make anybody look more tidy and thus a bit more attractive.

All things considered, despite the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everybody should adhere to the body treatment rules to leave a positive impression on other people.


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