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A life of popular actor is always fun (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The majority of people think that if you are a popular actor, your life is always interesting and full of adventures, and there are only a few of them who think the other way.

What concerns me, I am strongly sure that being a popular actor is a hard work and is barely fun. To begin with, not every person that managed to become popular likes it because it draws too much attention to them, including unwanted kind, when they want to be alone. Moreover, being popular means that you are always in great demand in different consumer films which also does not much good for a person. In the end, regular participating in movies demands from an actor to adjust to the role they play, and this causes them an intense stress because it is a great deal of responsibility.

However, most of the people believe that popular actors live fun and great life. Their first reason to think this way is that such persons are always loved by their fans that inspire them to work harder.

Finally, proponents of this opinion think that popular persons allegedly can afford themselves almost anything and take a first class rest in case if they are tired.

Albeit that, I still think that person's popularity causes them more troubles than good because they learn to live difficult and tumultuous life which not everyone can get used to.

To conclude the end to my reasoning, I would like to state once again that popularity is a kind of things which cannot be handled by anyone as it almost always demands a great stress resistance of a person.


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