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Life of a popular actor is always fun (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays we follow a lot of celebrities on such social nets like YouTube and Instagram. Many people find the life of famous actors exciting and full of fun. Is that really so? Let us examine the problem more closely

I strongly believe that in spite of beautiful pictures on Instagram celebrities’ life is not so fabulous. First of all, promising young actors have to work double tides to make a name for themselves to stand out among thousands of other actors. Besides, they constantly become the source of scandal because paparazzi follow every step of their life, which can ruin their reputation and even their family life. Thus, a movie star’s life is exhausting and stressful.

On the other hand, there are people who think differently saying that they make a lot of money and can afford a life of luxury, full of entertainment and pleasure.

Moreover, at social events celebrities get to know new interesting people, which makes their life more interesting as well. Therefore, the life of celebrities is full of fun and money.

The above-mentioned arguments are convincing enough and yet I would like to stress out that sooner or later people get tired of all that joy of life and publicity. Let’s not forget that there are other ways of making money which do not imply lack of privacy and do not lead to physical and emotional exhaustion.

To sum up, I would like to say that popularity is more like a burden for actors and the price for joyful moments is really high.


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